Monday 9 December 2013

World War 3 Started On September 11th 2001

World war 3 has started already, it started 'officially' on September 11th 2001 when the World Trade Centre was demolished in front of the whole world on live TV. 
How the WTC was demolished and by whom is still questioned, people have their own theories as to what happened on that day, much of it backed up by evidence, some of it not so but it is still very plausible and more believable than the 'official' version of events in which we are told that the towers collapsed due to fire. I think most of us know that this is impossible due to the fact that aviation fuel burns at around 1300 degrees which is around 1000 degrees less than what it would need to be in order to melt steel. The Twin Towers are the only steel structures in history to of ever collapsed due to fire.
The Windsor building in Madrid, Spain burnt for over 20 hours and yet did not collapse, it remained standing, as have all previous fires of steel structure buildings.
It is widely thought within the 'truthers' circles that the towers were brought down using Thermite, which is a Military Grade Explosive. Evidence of this has been found within the debris that was inspected after the towers had collapsed. Dust was examined and particles of the ingredients for military grade thermite were found.
There are also the suspicious shaped steel girders which were part of the buildings foundations, they have suspicious shaped cuts not consistent with a random explosion.
The way in which these cuts in the girders are, shows that they were purposely cut that way in order to help in the collapse of the building. With the cuts the way they are, this would allow the building to slide to one side to allow the building to rapidly collapse in the way it did.

What other explanation is there for the girder in the pictures to be cut in the way that they are?
Also you can actually see the molten and dripping steel that has set on the edges of the cut, proving beyond doubt that thermite was used to make these cuts in the girders.

There are so many inconsistencies with the whole story that if it were to go to a court and the evidence (all of it) to be heard by a jury of 12, I would put my life on it that people would be found guilty of this atrocity.

George W Bush knew full well, without a doubt that this attack was going to happen. He has lied so many times, he lied when he said that he was at the school when he saw on TV the 1st plane hit the tower, he has said this numerous times and it is recorded and available for all to see on youtube. How could he of possibly seen the 1st plane hit the tower on day? It was not shown on TV until the following day. No one saw the plane hit the tower on the day other than those who were there and saw it with their own eyes. It was not televised at all until the following day, so why would he blatantly lie about that? People only ever lie for a reason, no one lies just for the sake of lying and most definitely not for something so serious as this. 
So we know that Bush lied about seeing the 1st plane hit the 1st tower. Why he lied we don't know but we know he lied, FACT.

Other things that point towards 9/11 being an inside job are the fact that all the evidence, if 9/11 was a crime like we are supposed to believe it was, then the whole area would of been taped off and treated like a crime scene, evidence gathered and tests done, but no wait, instead everything was very quickly gathered up and put on ships to be scrapped in China. Not in its own country, were it would of been cheaper to transport and also the U.S would of benefited from the scrap steel as it could of been used for the building of the new buildings going up around Ground Zero.
The Government committed a crime itself by tampering with evidence by sending it all to China to be melted down before it could be inspected.
When they were clearing the debris away, the workmen reported molten steel flowing below the ground like rivers found in a foundry. Where on earth did this molten steel come from?
There is no way on earth this came from burning aviation fuel and normal office furniture and paper. This same molten steel was seen pouring out of the windows of the towers before the collapse.
Tower 7 also, this building wasn't hit by anything other than debris, as were many other buildings but none of those collapsed (at free fall speed)
Do people know who resided in Tower 7?
TenantSquare FeetFloorIndustry
Salomon Smith Barney1,202,900GRND,1-6,13,18-46Financial Institution
IRS Regional Council90,43024, 25Government
U.S. Secret Service85,3439,10Government
American Express Bank International106,1177,8,13Financial Institution
Standard Chartered Bank111,39810,13,26,27Financial Institution
Provident Financial Management9,0007,13Financial Institution
ITT Hartford Insurance Group122,59019-21[Insurance]
First State Management Group, Inc4,00021Insurance
Federal Home Loan Bank47,49022Financial Institution
NAIC Securities22,50019Insurance
Securities & Exchange Commission106,11711,12,13Government
Mayor's Office of Emergency Mgmt45,81523Government
This list is based on a table published by, which did not include CIA, whose tenancy was disclosed after the attack in the New York Times article.

Did you know that only the day before, it was announced that $2.3 Trillion was missing and could not be accounted for. How fortunate that on September 10th 2001 Donald Rumsfeld announces the $2.3 Trillion loss and then the very next day, the twin towers are attacked along with all the poor people inside. 
Did the story of the missing $2.3 Trillion ever come up again? No of course it never, for 9/11 made sure of that.
Tower 7 held much of the documents and files in which may assist in finding where this $2.3 trillion had gone, but now tower 7 has gone along with everything within it.
The Pentagon also, it just so happens that (we are told) that a Passenger Jet flew into this little hole and destroyed the very office in which the investigation into the $2.3 Trillion was being conducted.
Do you really think a passenger jet made this hole? 
Pre Collapse 
After Collapse

I think it is fair to say that there is no visible evidence of an aircraft, let alone a passenger jet having hit the Pentagon.
Many a experienced pilot have said that in order to execute such an accurate hit would be near impossible, if not actually impossible. Let us not forget the terrorist pilot had been described as being unable to fly a small plane such as a single propeller plane, so to execute such a move in a huge jet liner does not seem plausible at all.
The fact that the part of the building which was hit just so happened to be the same part of the building that just so happened to be dealing with the missing trillions. Coincidence? I think not?
Why have the Government never shown us videos of what really hit the Pentagon. Let us not forget that this is the most secure building in the world, it has it sown SAM system to shoot down any threats from the sky. There is a very strict no fly zone around the Pentagon, very very strict indeed. This is the worlds most secure military building in the world, this place houses all the worlds listening technology and is where all the Military High Fliers operate from.
The Pentagon is charged and ready at all times to defend any attacks or threats to it, its missile system is fixed to shoot at anything that comes within a certain radius of it, NO EXCEPTIONS. 
Here is another question to ask yourself...... They could not find the black boxes from either of the planes that hit the towers, yet the passport of one of the alleged bombers was found intact on the street along with all the debris of the twin towers. Coincidence? I don't think so.
I am sure that you would of watched it already, but if you haven't then you need to watch 'Loose Change 3rd Edition' which you'll find on youtube. Its long but well worth the watch and will certainly open your eyes to a few things. The more you watch it, the more you will see.
The fact that the lease on the Tower Complex had just been renewed and also that the insurance had also been hugely inflated since the last valuation.
The owner, Mr Silvestein is on film saying that he instructed the Fire Department to "pull it" - Pull it is a term used in explosives, this means to pull the building down. Fact - in order to pull tower 7 correctly, so it falls into its own foot print as it did, would take weeks of work in placing explosive charges in the correct places, this was a huge building. This would have to be a professional job done by experts.
Firemen or the Fire Department DO NOT carry explosives and they do not carry out controlled explosions, even if they were allowed to it would be impossible to rig the building with enough explosives to bring the building down in the way that it came down, it would of taken weeks of planning and placing the explosives, no way could this of been done in a day, let alone a few hours.

Why? Why were the Twin Towers attacked?
Well, being the tallest buildings in New York they were an obvious target, a great place for planes to hit due to their height and also location.
Dr David Kelly who was a leading weapons inspector had returned from Iraq with the news that there were no weapons of mass destruction, which would of stopped Bush and his war mongering buddies from invading Iraq. Whilst Saddam Hussain was never one of the worlds best leaders, but he had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, there was no link to him and the fact that there were no WMD's in Iraq meant that Iraq should not of been invaded. The news that Iraq had no WMD's could not get out so Dr David Kelly was 'taken out'. The official story is that he hung himself, yet his body was found slumped by a tree. He also took an overdose as well as cutting his wrists. Now Dr Kelly's friends & family stated that he was not depressed and had no suicidal tendencies at all. Many many holes in the story around the death of Dr Kelly but the truth has not been told. His death was covered up.
The people responsible for 9/11 and all the current unrest in the Middle East are the American Government, CIA, NSA and various other shady operatives and agencies.
The Americans are known globally as the worlds Super Power, the worlds leaders. How they got to this position is beyond me for there are much larger, wealthier and countries with bigger Armed Forces. Russia & China whom are allies - together form an Army that is at least twice as large as that of the Americans & some of its stronger allies. The Russians and the Chinese have one of the fastest growing economies in the world, they who have the wealth have the power. This means the U.S should not be the Super Power at all, but either Russia or China should be the Super Power, not America.
The Americans are so desperate for power that they are prepared to go to any means to keep a hold of this power.
They flew 2 planes into 2 buildings killing 3000 people in doing so, they have sent their troops in to the badlands to fight an war that can't been won. The Russians fought the Afghans for 20 years, even with their superior weapons and huge army of soldiers the Afghans kept them at bay and managed to fend them off. Tens of thousands of lives were lost but the Afghans remain unbeaten. 
So knowing this, knowing that the Afghans have never been beaten on their own turf. Why did the U.S invade Afghanistan?
Was it to look for Bin Laden, which is what they told us, or was it to allow the laying of a pipe from the Caspian Sea across Afghanistan into Europe and also for the U.S to take control of the Opium Crops which had declined heavily since the Taliban came into power and outlawed it.
Heroin is one of the largest commodities in the world for it is more valuable than gold, with gold fetching around £18/£20 per gram and Heroin fetching between £30/£45 per gram, depending on location & availability.
Heroin is used in most pain killing medicine, such as Morphine & Codeine to name but a few. 
Heroin as an illicit drug rakes in millions (£ or $) every day.
Ask yourself this simple question... If 90% of the worlds Heroin comes from Afghanistan then can someone please explain to me how on earth do tons of Heroin get into Western Countries such as the U.S or the U.K to feed the habits of all the users, to make all the medicines the world needs.
Without Heroin there would be no need for Drug Workers, Rehabs, Medicines such as methadone, subutex etc.
Without Heroin the crime rate would be lower, meaning that the Police, The Prisons, The Government funded drug withdrawal programs, Probation Service, The Courts - There would be a lot of people out of work if it wasn't for the drug trade. The drug trade is the worlds largest commodity making the most money, far out weighing any other commodity, such as Gold, Diamonds etc. Drugs turn dealers into Kings, turn poor men into rich & powerful men but it also tears people apart, ruins lives, kills people and funds crime.
How does 20 tonnes of Heroin get from a country flooded with troops and from a very high risk area of the world onto the streets of the U.S & Europe? How does 10 tonnes of Cocaine get from Peru/Columbia (another very high risk country) to the U.S & Europe?
The CIA, that's how... It is well documented that a small private jet which was registered to the CIA was found in the South American Jungle having crash landed, on board were 4 tonnes of Cocaine, pure Cocaine which had just come direct from source and was heading to the U.S to be sold off to the major crime families & organisations in the U.S & Europe. It is then cut & distributed out into the public arena for sale. 
The U.S are only still in Afghanistan because the money they are making from the Heroin coming out of the country that they do not want to leave it and put it back in the hands of the Opium Farmers. 90% of the worlds Heroin comes from Afghanistan, how on earth do you get large amounts of class A drugs out of a country that is currently at war. Would customs officials not be right on top of anyone returning from there? Guns, Drugs, Terrorist Material, it just doesn't seem plausible. Only a couple of weeks ago 2 British girls got caught with around 11 kilos of Cocaine coming out of Columbia, this fitted inside a suitcase. Anything over 20 kilos via an airport and mule is unheard of, yet there are tonnes of both Heroin and Cocaine flooding the U.S and the E.U, how does it get here? Ask yourself this question..... How is it possible (without inside help) to get any amount of Heroin out of a country which is currently at war and where everyone coming in from that country is treated with suspicion instantly.
Did you know the CIA are the ones who put Crack Cocaine on the streets of L.A back in the 80's, they created it and put it out there in order to get more people addicted to crack, to destroy communities and lives.
Many got rich from Crack, many more have died though!
I know I have gone off topic here, this is a 9/11 story, but everything I have written so far is relevant to the story, it is to show you just how corrupt the U.S Government really is and what lengths they will go to in order to keep hold of power.
It is only a matter of time before someone comes forward, Like Mr Snowdon, ex NSA employee now whistle blower and in hiding for he is a dead man walking. As soon as the opportunity arises Mr Snowdon is a dead man, the U.S Government will see to that.
Anyone that crosses them dies, anyone who speaks out, dies.
The Dutch Demolition Expert who spoke out after seeing the towers collapse, he said that it was 100% a controlled demolition. What happened to him? He had a car crash (no other vehicles involved) and hit a tree and died!
Very suspicious circumstances indeed, just like Dr David Kelly and many others who have died as a result of speaking out about 9/11. Dr David Kelly knew all along that Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction and was not going to let the US go ahead and invade a country on the pretence that they have WMD's when they clearly don't. Bush invaded Iraq because his dad told him too. They pillaged Saddams riches and all the oil that flowed through its oil rich lands. 
Iraq was all about oil. Afghanistan is all about opium. Opium makes more money than oil, for it has many more uses. 
Columbia will be next, for the cocaine is a big money maker. 
9/11 is a day we will never forget, it changed the world. 

Let us not put aside the London bombings of 7/7 and how this was clearly a 'false flag' operation in order to boost the cause for remaining at war. 
The whole thing was a set up and anyone who looks at this case will see this for themselves. 
The questions to ask yourself are:-
Why was there a mock excersize of the very same scenario at the very same stations on the very same day, at the very time that the bombings happened. Bit of a coincidence isn't it?
If that is not enough to prove this was a false flag operation read the official version, this says the terrorists caught the 7:40am train from Luton, only problem was is that on 7/7 there was no 7:40 train as it had been cancelled and this has been confirmed by the rail company. 
The bus that blew up in Tavistock Square was actually diverted - taken from its normal route for an unknown reason and eventually blown up. 
At 1pm on radio 5 live it was reported that 2 terrorists had been shot and killed at Canary Wharf suspected to be involved in the tube bombings. But hang on, if they blew themselves up, how on earth can they be shot 4 hours later??
Many people on the tubes that were blew up said that the explosion came from underneath the train and that no one saw a dark skinned man with a back pack. 
If you have not watched 'ripple effect' then I would advise you to watch it as this is a great informative film. 
We are gearing up for a police state, that is the hope for the government. They already listen to our calls, read our texts & emails and monitor what we look at on the Internet. 
Our every move is watched by CCTV, our cars checked on the PNC by ANPR cameras. 
Its only a matter of time before they place a microchip into new born babies. To do this they will orchestrate a series of baby thefts from maternity wards across the country and they'll tell us its so our babies don't get stolen or lost. You'll be able to track your child at all times, this same chip will have money transferred into it to enable you to pay for things but this chip won't be a good thing, it wasn't invented with good in mind, its uses are more sinister. 
Within a few generations the whole of the developed world will be chipped and that is when the NWO will have their Police State.